Saturday, December 20, 2008

JESUS is the reason for the season!

As Christmas day fast approaches, many of us are still busy preparing. Shopping, cleaning, preparing delectable treats, wrapping presents.

Over 2000 years ago the best gift of all was wrapped......not in shiny paper with a big shiny bow......but wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger. Our JESUS! I consider every birth a miracle, but this child was born of a virgin, born in the most humble conditions and the brightest star in the sky led wise men to where he lay.

Wise men today still seek him. Wise men seek the Kingdom of God. Do you know him? I do!

As you greet people on the street and wish them a Merry Christmas, remember on Christmas day to wish Jesus a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY. He loves you, he came to this world to die and take our sin so that we may live eternally with him in a place called Heaven.

Merry Christmas everyone and may God bless you and prosper you in the coming year.


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