Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Kennedy & Karrington

Basketball has long been a favorite sport for the women in my family. My mother played at Virginia-Carolina, my aunts on my father's side played at Nathan's Creek. My aunt Molly scored 5048 total points in her career, averaging 65 points per game in her senior year.

Last night I traveled to Independence, Va, to watch cousins Kennedy and Karrington Gambill play basketball. Apparently, these young ladies are making a name for themselves, having already been featured in the Winston-Salem Journal. They play for Alleghany High School.

Best of luck girls in your basketball career. The Colvard family is certainly proud of you.

1 comment:

Ray Reynolds said...

Wow.When I first viewed those pictures I had to look at the name .They are so good that I thought that I took them...Great job Mrs Carter