Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome to 2009! I'm up until 1:00 a.m., I'm awake at 6:15 my head spinning with ideas about the blog. I really enjoy blogging and I'm finding out YOU are enjoying it also. YOU are telling me about certain photos that you have seen on my blog and that was my show YOU my photography.

RESOLUTIONS FOR 2009.......MORE PHOTOS! I would like to add a photo a day to my blog. That means I carry a camera with me more or I try new things in the studio. I have always considered myself a "people" photographer, but I need to change that attitude and become the all-around photographer. I need to photograph more of my surroundings, look for things to photograph that YOU see and make you say......Geez, I could have taken that picture.

I don't have a P & S (point & shoot), only a DSLR. The DSLR'S are extremely hard to stuff in a purse or a shirt pocket, so maybe I will check into getting myself a
P & S. That will make my "photo a day" a little easier to do.

A friend of mine, Gene Ho, has made the resolution to stop and take that photograph when he sees it. He finished a wedding near the SC state capital last Saturday night and saw the capital building in a way that he would want to photograph it. He was tired.......all photographers are after a wedding.....but he stopped to record that moment in time. I saw the was beautiful of course.

So...I'm pretty pumped up about this new year. I'm looking forward to trying new things, learning new things. I hope you have exciting plans for the coming year, no matter what your occupation, be the best that YOU can be.

BTW.........I HAVE A POLL ABOUT MY BLOG.........VOTING ENDS ON 1/15/09 AT 5:00 A.M.

This blog is all for YOU!!!

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